Meet Narley Karikari Transformational mindset & Confidence coach


My purpose, is to show you how to be more confident in yours.

My whole life was like a tug of war; pulled between big ambitions, and doubting myself; struggling to trust that I had what it takes. I was constantly taking 2 steps forward and 6 steps back. 

But then I discovered the secret to transforming my mindset. I learned how to uncover and release the mental blocks responsible for fear and doubt. Ultimately eliminating the procrastination and self-sabotage that was holding me back.

Now I’m living in my vision board; an international model, social media influencer and certified NLP and Hypnotherapy coach. I’m helping women around the world gain control of their thoughts and emotions, develop unstoppable confidence in every aspect of life. Whether that’s a business, better relationships or a better relationship with herself. 

How I overcame fear & self-doubt and gained the confidence to start my own business.

I’ve always been a seeker. As a kid, I always felt like life could be so much more and I had big ideas about what I wanted to do, but deep down I didn’t believe that ‘someone like me’ could ever really achieve success. Then I got my hands on a copy of ‘The Secret’ when I was 16 and it had such a big impact. I saw that I didn’t have to be controlled by my thoughts and beliefs, I could let them work for me and better my life. 

But nothing really changed. I’d implement self-care and positive affirmations into my life, then stop, get frustrated and beat myself up. Then start the whole process over… and over. I was resistant because the whole thing just felt…fluffy. Like something was missing, an important piece of the puzzle

So my inner-confidence never really grew, even when I got into modelling. To everyone looking from the outside, it was a perfect picture. But the inner game; my self-talk, that was something photoshop couldn’t fix.

Inside I was constantly comparing myself to others and always coming up short. I hated myself for feeling like that but I couldn’t let the perfect mask slip. I mean, how could I? I was living the dream. I should be happy. Grateful. What would people think of me if they knew what was really going on in my head? 

So I continued to hide.

Create a new mindset that
Allows you to Reach your
highest potential.

Numbing myself with drugs, alcohol and looking for love in horrible places. Lying to everyone and even myself about how I really felt. 

Eventually, the constant battle with toxic emotions got the best of me. So, I ran away. I didn’t really have a plan, I just knew I couldn’t go on like that. I wanted a new start, so I spent the next two years travelling and living abroad; growing, healing and un-learning. 

It was more than just a change of scenery, it led to my spiritual awakening.

I met such amazing people along the way. People who were living a life of freedom, the life I wanted for myself. I realised the only reason that wasn’t my reality was my stories; my beliefs about who I am and what I’m capable of. Nobody else was telling me what I could and couldn’t do, that voice was mine. The biggest obstacle had always been my own subconscious mind.

That’s when I saw what was missing from all the personal development that I’d done so far. Why it all felt so empty.

The missing piece of the puzzle

My 10-year smoking addiction was cured in one hour with hypnotherapy. If I could reprogram my subconscious to do that, then what else could I do?

I started studying the subconscious mind and how it affects our lives. I was hungry to find out more, driven by curiosity and a desire to understand my own psychology. After qualifying as a clinical hypnotherapist, I began to explore other tools that I could use to create lasting change on a subconscious level. 
I learned that your subconscious is responsible for 95% of your thoughts, emotions, behavior, and therefore your life results.

I went on to become certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Life & Success Coaching.

These tools were what I was missing. Now I finally had everything that I needed to take my power back and unlock my true potential. I discovered how to love and respect myself and take action with confidence.

The transformation was so powerful. I knew what I had to do. My purpose.

If only it was that easy…

So now, I combine my training and experience to help women all over the world end that inner battle, uncover and release the mindset blocks that lead to low self-worth and lack of confidence. The principles are exactly the same whether you’re struggling with low self-esteem or you’re afraid of talking on camera and seeing yourself as a thought-leader; someone with a message that people want to listen to.

It all comes down to your thoughts; the stories you tell yourself.

Now, I’m able to combine my training and experience to help women like you uncover and release the mindset blocks that lead to low self-worth and lack of confidence. I apply this to business and entrepreneurship by healing the doubt and fear that stops you from taking action, confidently knowing your worth and earning what you deserve.

Together, we can create your masterpiece.

I’m still a model and social media influencer. These are parts of me that make up the whole wonderful picture. I want you to love and embrace every aspect of yourself too. Every brush-stroke that makes up your unique beautiful masterpiece.

As your coach, that’s how I see you. As an individual, with specific insecurities and beliefs. I will use the tools and techniques that I know to radically transform your subconscious. Together we’ll release the specific mindset blocks that are stopping you from meeting your true potential and living the life that you deserve.

My approach is fierce but flexible; direct and no-nonsense but with love and compassion. I promise to always speak to your higher self and allow no space for your subconscious limitations to delay your success. Whatever that looks like for you.

I prefer my clients do the talking for me!

” My most important piece of advice to female entrepreneurs is to set an intention everyday to be more courageous than the day before, to set goals that excite you and to reprogram their subconscious mind sooner than later, so they aren’t held back from out-dated negative beliefs. My wish for every person is for them to understand how powerful they truly are.

Narley Karikari