Personal development can be fluffy because it gives you alot of placebo-like advice such as, be yourself, believe in yourself, change your thoughts to change your life…
And YES,
these short & cute phrases are true – do all of them. But they’re not giving you the full picture.
I turned to self-help when I was 16 and I became obsessed, but not with what you think… I became obsessed with figuring out why it was so.. CORNY and shallow!
Especially, the “love yourself” advice.
Let’s cut to the chase (unlike alot of self-help books)
If. You. Dont. Work. On. Your. Subconscious. Identity. And. Habits.
Your life is a print-out of your Subconscious Programming.
So don’t change the external — shift and master the internal.
Let’s clarify the word Subconscious shall we?
Your subconscious, runs 97% of your behaviour…
I’ve had a modelling career that took me around the world, and Im proud of it, but CLEARLY, something changed.
What was it?
It was my identity.
I began to SEE myself differently, on a deep level, so therefore I am now, creating NEW results, that align with that life, purpose & vision I have for myself.
At first, I thought it was all manifestation, and I love that train of thinking .. but,
If we manifesting our dominant thoughts, then… where are these dominant thoughts flowing from?
It’s your IDENTITY.
Lets break it down even more. (getting nerdy with you so you truuuly GET IT! Cause once I did, things changed for the better)
This is called the Logical Levels of Change:
Alot of us are working from bottom-up.
We believe if we change our Behaviour, our life will change.
But as you can see, thats working backwards.
Buying & reading the self help book, buying the journal, buying the gym clothes and trying the new diet..
None of it lasts.
That’s why New Years Resolutions don’t work, and I’ll even add, goal-setting to a certain degree doesn’t work..
Why personal development sucks is because, well, it’s backwards.
We need to address the IDENTITY of the person trying to change.
Once you have the identity of the person who actually achieves the goals you want..
Once you start BEING the type of person, that DOES the actions, which then creates the RESULTS you desire to have…
Then you become effective, powerful, magnetic and confident.
I am my business card. I am my biggest client.
I have now surpassed my corporate monthly income from my coaching biz and I’m just getting started.
I want to make this even easier to understand.
When you wake up in the morning, your brain says “anndd Action!” and you begin to do the things.. you always do.
You use the same hand to brush your teeth, the same motion of brushing your hair, you don’t think about walking or breathing — alot of things are running on AUTOPILOT.
You essentially are playing the Role of You.
But then something happens, you start to want .. MORE, than this Role is giving you.
So you begin to effort, you strive and struggle to create change. And you experience it, but its short lived. Then you beat yourself up because your reality doesn’t match your dreams.
This is because, the Role you’re playing, does not have the Identity of the new Role/reality/result you want.
You don’t have the habits, the skills, the thoughts, of the version of you, you aspire to be..
I hope this has landed.
How do we change this?
You guessed it!
We reprogram your subconscious mind, so the New Role, happens on AUTOPILOT.
Your current role is on autopilot anyway. That’s why you are where you are.
Luckily for all of us with the guts to do so, we can create a new Role, one that FEELS good.
So again, personal development is flawed Its cheesy, corny and shallow.
I stand for a Personal Revolution.
Creating change easily, and change that LASTS.
No more striving and struggling, but flourishing and thriving.
Treat the ROOT cause, not the symptoms.
Procrastination – Self Sabotage – Perfectionism – Low Self Esteem/Confidence .
These are symptoms.
The root cause, is your Subconscious Identity and Habits that are running on autopilot.
The Role you are currently playing, can be changed.
What you want, wants you back — once, you become the person who HAS it.
Are you ready to give up the self-sabotage and step into the 2.0 version of yourself?
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