1) There is no such thing as failure, only outcomes. “Failure” is a subjective evaluation and there is no global standard of success or failure. Both are subjective constructs of the mind. Take risks 🙏🏾
2) You are the foundation of your business, if you’re not well, nothing will work. You first.🌱
3) Making $ online comes down to 3 things: Be Visible – Give Value – Invite Them to Take The Next Step 🏆
4) When your biz feels like a burden, you’re not doing it right.
5) Success leaves clues, don’t re-invent the wheel.⠀
1) When you keep searching for something on the outside to fulfill you, you will continue to search forever. It’s all within. 🦋
2) You have to become your own source of validation, otherwise you’ll starve for the applause.
3) Ask yourself, in what ways are you making your life more difficult than it needs to be? then Stop that shit.
4) Relax, and it comes faster. ✨
5) Success wont heal the shame; deal with your darkness.🙏🏾
1) Needing others is very human- theres no weakness or flaw in being vulnerable.💛
2) Loneliness comes from neglecting yourself – we get upset with others for not loving us because we fail to do it for ourselves first. 😩
3) True friendships survive global pandemics
4) Give what you wish to receive. Only the loving find love.
5) Create intimacy and trust within yourself. Sustain love within, to experience it without.🏆
1) Money needs a purpose and money loves clarity. So, how much and what for?💰
2) Money is just energy; and its responding to your concept and beliefs about it. If its not flowing in, check your beliefs.🤔
3) If you want to make more money, helping others expand and get what they want is your best option.
4) Money is neutral – neither good or bad; its an amplifier of who you are already – dont worry about it corrupting you & stop demonizing the rich. 💡
5) What you may lose in money, you’ll get in lessons. Invest in yourself! 💪🏾
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